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Friday, January 24, 2014

William - the ideal brother

William Price is shown as the ideal brother and his relationship with Fanny is how brothers should be towards their sisters. He is the only character in the novel apart from Edmund who genuinely cares about Fanny and Fanny loves him dearly as well.  Sir Thomas helps William to gain profession in the navy and he proves himself as a bright, adventurous and accomplished young man who is in a respectable and a manly profession unlike other men in the novel like for example Edmund who is a clergyman.

What is impressive about William is that he is the only man in the novel who is not linked with or shows interest in any woman. He is shown to be hard working and dedicated towards his profession. Whenever he visits Mansfield Park he is around Fanny the whole time just as a loving brother who cares about his sister the most. William also corresponds with Fanny regularly after she leaves her family for Mansfield Park. In chapter 39, where Fanny is visiting her parents and William is leaving the house: Everything in that quarter failed her, except William’s affection. His last thought on leaving home was for her. He stepped back again to the door to say, “Take care of Fanny, mother. She is tender, and not used to rough it like the rest of us. I charge you, take care of Fanny.” This clearly demonstrates the love between these two and how concerned William is about Fanny.

William does not appear much in the novel but whenever he does a positive person is shown and he brings happiness to people around him. Even Miss Norris praises him when she gets to know of his profession. He is undoubtedly the most liked character from Mansfield Park if Mrs. Norris approves of him.

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