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Friday, February 14, 2014

Contest:Who will be Asher’s bride?

Asher Hussain is a Yale graduate, living in the privileged part of the city of Karachi, he has the looks and is definitely bachelor most wanted. For all the snooty city girls who think they are eligible , think again because at the end of the day he is a typical, patriarchal Pakistani man who wants to be the lion of his home and  at heart wants the ‘seedhi saadi ‘  larki.
Round 1:
Paramaters of Assesment:
Parameter #1: Izzat and khudari (Self respect)
Applicant 1:Khirad- The ‘gaon ki mutiar’ doesn’t have a Gucci bag hanging by her arms but she makes up for her lack of material wealth by her affluence in morals and virtue. Given the scarcity in her earlier life, she could have pounced on her husband’s fortune, ordered jewels, designer wear, luxury cars, or all of the aforementioned but she always kept herself respect and dint go bonkers over the wealth. Since, the marriage happened as a consequence of her mother’s ill health she felt that she was ‘musalat’ on Asher, thus she gave him space and time rather her pushing her onto himself. The constant reference by her about ‘izzat and khudari’ also show how much important this factor is in her life and dominate her entire life, even after her separation with Asher she asks for Asher’s only to save her daughter Hareem’s life.
 Total score=10
Applicant 2:Sara-Suicidal attempts; two times in a row-then finally succeeding in the third attempt and that even for the same guy, doesn’t really speak hymns about self respect. Does it?
All the vicious planning and plotting just to acquire the already betrothed Asher, you got ditched once darling, you are still trying? I think calling him your ‘bestfriend’ after every 3 lines wasn’t actually your best tactic!
Total score=0
Parameter#2: Level of domesticity (Cooking& stitching)
Khirad: The skills Khirad has are ironing clothes, setting out the table, making ‘chai’ (lots and lots of it), teaching (can teach Asher’s children) stitching and cooking. Her skill set in gardening is zero and doesn't have much of an idea of interiors and house decoration. As a housewife she is perhaps too meek even won’t be able to survive the banter of servants and the typical Pakistani man no matter how much he earns want his woman to save up some coins while buying vegetables.
Sara: She perhaps needs a servant to make ‘chai’ for her, place the cup in front of her, then another to lift the cup and another to finally make her sip it. The way she screams at her servants, she would definitely scream at Asher the same way too, later in their marriage and that is a huge threat to the Pakistani man.But she sure knows how to make spaghetti for her man so her cooking skill set earns her some points. Score=5
Parameter#3: Submissiveness
Khirad: This is perhaps the single attribute which defines Khirad. She tries super hard ‘keh woh Asher ki pasand ke saanchey mein dhal jaye’! Score=10
Sara: She doesn’t listen to anybody, she is uncontrollable and does what ever pleases her without caring what the repercussions will be.She event doesn’t even think of her mother who loves her despite the desperate measures she takes. Score=0

Thus even if Baseerat dint get Asher and Khirad married off, Asher would still have chosen ‘marriage material’ types or why else won’t he be attracted to Sara? Dint they spend their entire lives together? The answer doesn't lie in Sara’s strength of personality rather lies in Asher’s typical Pakistani male mentality.

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