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Friday, February 7, 2014

Haniya's Post: Types of women in Humsafar

There are two types of women in Humsafar, one from the upper elite class and one from the lower middle class. The relationship the women have with each other, their families and the society depends on the class they belong to.
The lower middle class to whom Khirad, her mother and Batool Khala belong have a different set of ideals and views from Zarina, Farida and Sarah who belong to the upper class. The scene where the contrast is most apparent when the sisters are having a conversation; Zarina and Farida sit in a drawing room on sofas and discuss Baseerat’s business trip and money. We see the sisters being suspicious of Maimoona who is from the lower middle class and her intentions towards the brother and his wealth. They seem to be very snobbish during the conversation. Zarina, even though she has no right is interfering with the matters of Baseerat’s household.  Batool Khala and Maimoona on the other hand are sitting on the ground and they discuss good character, “izat” (respect) and values. This clearly shows what matters to each set of women and what is important to them.

Another difference that comes out between the two classes of women is that we always see the lower middle class women working. The lower middle class is shown as a community of women. Whereas the elite women are just lounging about in their drawing rooms, watching TV, reading magazines or just talking. Fareeda is shown as a social worker but one never sees her at work. One never gets to know what Zarina’s source of income is and what she does. Sarah is shown at the workplace but we see her in a very commanding position, leaving whenever she wants to and having her own cabin. On the other hand, the lower middle class women are always shown as working. Even when Maimoona and Batool Khala are having a conversation we see Maimoona checking homework copies and Batool Khala holding the haleem she just cooked. The women are not only working in the work environment but we see the public coming into the private when these women turn the house into a work environment also by giving tuitions at home to earn money. One sees the private merging into the public. Khirad does the housework and we see no presence of servants in the house. The women are shown as independent working for themselves and being there for each other.s 

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