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Friday, February 7, 2014

Woh Humsafar tha....

Humsafar is, as I perceive it, actually a show for the idle woman sitting comfortably in her house and enjoying the ups and turns of some bechari larki’s life on TV. It is an ordinary TV soap which came to the spot light due to the sheer amount of fame that it gained. The fame it gained was unprecedented. Nearly everyone in the country was caught up in it be it male or female.
We learnt a lot from Humsafar for example:

But now a few hours ago when I was going through the first few episodes again, I wanted to kill myself for bowing to the peer pressure that made me watch it then. That is time I'll never get back. For example look at the basic plot line. It is about a female who has lived independently of a male influence in a private sphere of her own. Fate and Cancer intervene and BOOM her home and the person she associated with home are gone. To add insult to injury, a guy she does not really like in the beginning The Mamu , along with the mother decide she has to have a permanent male in her life and get her married to the first available guy who happens to be a rich, handsome guy who has another pretty lady haath dho ke after him.- I'm not going to give any spoilers here. The concept of social mobility also applies here same as Mansfield park.  A perfect story for the average housewife of today's time- not saying my Mother would buy it but most would. That is because the plot is such that reiterates the philosophy around which they have built their life- A)life outside the private sphere of the home is hard B) You should be grateful that God made men otherwise what would we (helpless females that we are) do????
This is something that is the underlying theme of the scene of Khirad's mother in school. The hardworking woman who has no husband to take care of her is fated to be diagnosed with cancer. The drama, so far, aimed to tell the audience i.e. the be at home housewife and the other lazy bums that they are lucky that they have guys doing the difficult jobs for them. What is shown to be the best case scenario here is when the woman stays at home and  has a so called  ideal husband. This is something that is seriously disturbing for any budding feminist out there- but since i don't claim to be one and since my word count is complete, I'll call it a day and save the Humsafar bashing for the next weeek.

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