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Friday, March 28, 2014

Opposites Attract?

Looking at Dhoop Kinaray from the angle of couples and marriage, reminds me a bit of the old cliché that ‘Opposites attract’, and a look at each of the pairs that exist, or are formed through the course of the drama, can support this.

The first couple we can look at is Angie’s parents. Her father is strict, rigid, and extremely involved with his business and the work it entails. He is also shown at multiple occasions to have little knowledge of the world outside his own work, and of losing his temper. Angie’s mother on the other hand, stands in somewhat a stark contrast for she is shown as being flexible, and we also never see her doing any real sort of work whatsoever, or concerned with it. She is also calmer, a lot more involved in the workings of society and the world, as well as placid in a sense. She is thus shown as calming her husband down, and trying to instill some flexibility with regards to his daughter, and some worldly common sense.

There is then the couple that is formed of Dr. Irfan and Angie. He is the comical character, who is rarely serious, even when he is serious in his mood like when he is nervous or upset, his language reflects humor. Where he is quite absurd, bold and funny, Angie is very proper as well as shy.

Coming to Dr, Ahmer and Zoya, their contrast and comparison is often presented through the drama. Dr. Ahmer is a person who hides behind his many layers, but one of his most obvious aspects is that of being a dedicated professional. He is also shown as being deeply serious, or ‘sanjeeda’, carrying his burden of regrets and problems as a darkness inside of him. Zoya on the other hand is clearly a person who is what she is, and means what she says and says it very often without thinking. She initially had no inclination to become a doctor, though through the course of the drama we see her developing into a professional. It is also shown as ‘unlike’ her to be very serious, and her cheerfulness is one of the characteristics that attracts Dr. Ahmer to her.

However, what purpose is served through presenting these contrasting characters that are or eventually enter into a relationship with each other? But first, I think it is also important to notice that there is some underlying factor in common between two people that is shown as one of the reasons that brings them together. With Angie’s parents, it might be their daughter. With Dr. Irfan and Angie, it might be their ability to discern people and their situations and feelings. Whereas with Dr. Ahmer and Zoya, this factor could be their caring attitude towards people, above and beyond themselves.

However by pairing seemingly opposite figures together, I think the drama calls to the need for balance, for finding the mean between extremes, and that though both elements are necessary, such as ‘sanjeedgi’ and cheerfulness, but it is by bringing both together that harmony is achieved. 

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