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Friday, March 28, 2014

The Concept of Love- A contrast between Humsafar and Dhoop Kinare
The concept of love when analysed in the 20th century and 21st century dramas is diametrically opposite, with Humsafar evoking more agitation then ever when placed in contrast to Dhoop Kinare.
In the case of Humsafar it is true that Asher's 'male gaze', drove half the female population in Pakistan crazy over the portrayal of romantic love in the drama, but in retrospect the relationship depicted between Asher and Khirad appears to be more of a master subordinate kind, where Khirad is mostly under Asher's 'tahaffuz'. Never have Asher and Khirad actually stood on an equal footing may it be in terms of their education or their financial status. And that consequently plays out in their relationship as well, where Asher takes the lead in everything. Khirad is shown to be the typical shy female who lowers her gaze whenever a cheesy romantic scene ensues and as I recall all the scenes they appear more annoying than ever!   
Whilst this is the case in Humsafar, Dhoop Kinare is a different story. Here, even though Dr. Ahmer and Zoya have a big age gap, their relationship is more at an equal footing. This is played out in various ways in the drama. Firstly, it is refreshing to note how Zoya generally does not shy away when Dr. Ahmer looks at her. Rather, she returns the gaze at numerous points, especially in the last scene where the two are shown in their happily ever after moment.  
Surprisingly, the concept of educational love between the two characters exists in both dramas. Asher acts as the educator of Khirad moulding her into whatever 'sancha' he deems appropriate, sort of creating a mirror reflection of himself. Hence, the idea of educational love becomes one sided here. However, Dhoop Kinare has a two sided approach, where Zoya and Dr. Ahmer's love story is rooted in how they both act as agents for the character development of the other. Dr. Ahmer functions to teach Zoya a certain degree of responsibility, instilling in her maturity through the course of the drama. Zoya on the other hand serves as a reminder to Dr. Ahmer of how he is to some extent behaving self centred in not thinking about how his behaviour implicates her and others around him. So in some sense, both the characters serve as educational agents in their relationship.

In this way, Dhoop Kinare once again appears as the better drama when seen in this light, in contrast to the now more annoying than ever Humsafar. 

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