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Friday, March 21, 2014

Profession in Dhoop Kinarey and Humsafar

Dhoop Kinarey propogates the idea of commitment towards one’s profession be it male or female. This commitment, especially where it concerns a service to society, must be maintained even at the cost of one’s personal life. When she receives a call to come immediately to the hospital due to an emergency, Zoya cancels her plans to attend a party which Anjie insists she must find an excuse to reach. Later Zoya is scolded by her father - her haggard and dispirited self is a source of concern for her family- but she maintains that she must continue to work in her profession and refuses to change careers. At another point, when Dr Ahmer asks her what became of her dissatisfaction with her profession, she replies that she wasn’t sure but she now highly regarded it. The drama shows that the doctors derive a satisfaction from being named the best among the children’s ward.

This is in stark contrast to Humsafar in which Khirad is willing to sacrifice her teaching profession. It is seen as a noble move where she gives more importance to her personal life, that is, the life of her family rather than her profession. Before marriage, it isn’t the completion of her studies and becoming self-sufficient that encompasses Maimoona’s worries which would probably be the worry of someone like Zoya’s father. In fact, his chief concern was that she should take up the medicine profession no matter what the obstacles. Khirad teaches as a living after separation. Teaching is also a career where a social service is in question.  However, Batool Khala advises Khirad that she need not work if Ashr takes her back into his life and provides for her. Afsheen also tells Khirad that Ashr’s acceptance of Hareem meant that financial worries for herself and her daughter were over. A woman in contemporary drama is portrayed as someone whose personal life must be prioritized before her professional and responsibility and commitment towards the profession is second towards responsibility and commitment to the domestic sphere.

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