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Friday, March 28, 2014

The Definition of a Strong Independent Woman

The two dramas, Humsafar and Dhoop Kinaray, both show different aspects of the Pakistani society. Similarly, the women depicted in the two dramas also show different personalities of Pakistani women. At one hand Khirat is a women who hardly leaves the domestic sphere on the other Sheena is a strong independent woman who earns her living as a doctor and is usually seen in the public sphere. Khirat has always had the maternal support of her mother and after her death, of her Batool Khala. However, the personality of Sheena is molded mostly by her experiences of the outer world. Even though she lives with her khala but her Khala never gave her the maternal support she needed.

The most defining features of their personalities came to the forefront when they both entered the contract of marriage. Khirat found love and protection in her husband and so did Sheena, initially. However, due to different reasons Khirat and Sheena left their married lives and came back to their original homes. On one side we see Khirat resorting to religion as a mode of support along with her daughter, which made her stronger due to motherhood and on the other side we see Sheena who has nothing to rely on and loses herself initially but is able to gather herself over time and start with a new life. Now when the question arises of who was the stronger of them both, according to my opinion, it will not be wrong to say it was Sheena. When she came to know about her husband cheating on her, she instantly asked for separation and nowhere in the drama she has been seen resorting to religion. Moreover, she came off as more of a practical woman when she decided to leave her love Ahmer and marry someone else as she was well aware of the fact that other factors also play a role in a marriage being successful. Khirat, on the other hand, never asked for separation even though she was literally ‘kicked’ out from her house and disrespected instead she went back to her husband for financial help. Sheena after her divorce started off a new life and came back to the public sphere. Hence, it will not be wrong to say that Sheena had the qualities of enduring every possible tragedy and still come out of it unhurt.

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