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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Blog-post 7: The Ethical Love of Dhoop Kinaray VS. The Evil Love of Humsafar

When it comes to the concept of Love, Dhoop Kinaray takes the lead from Humsafar. The love depicted in Dhoop Kinaray is diametrically different from what has been shown in Humsafar. Dhoop Kinaray portrays a more ethical, rational and humorous love as compared to the mean love in Humsafar where personal priorities and affections are represented as ‘true love’.
On one hand in Dhoop Kinaray Zoya has been shown as a confident and intelligent woman who has a soft-corner for Dr.Ahmer and is never shy to express her feelings for him in front of anyone whereas on the other hand Khirat of Humsafar is shown as a dependent women who submits herself to her passive husband and considers him as her ‘muhafiz’. Similarly, the contrast of Sheena and Sara’s love is pretty evident. Sheena realizes that Dr. Ahmer will never have the same feelings for her as she does and therefore, decides to move on with her life by finding a partner who can give her security, wealth and everything. However, for Sara, Khizer is the reason for her existence and she can go to any extends to get her love, even if it involves evil doings.

The paternal love is also poles apart. Where on one hand Zoya shares this extremely friendly and supportive relationship with her father on the other hand Khizer’s mother destroys his life just to keep her son and hence showing a strange radical love. The humorous yet sicere love of Dr. Irfan and Anjji is also adorable which is missing in Humsafar. Hence, the true feelings and of love and companionship can be seen through various relationships in Dhoop Kinaray but not in Humsafar. In Humsafar the class, society and status defines love whereas in Dhoop Kinaray it is just the genuine feelings and ethical love that wins hearts of the viewers. 

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