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Friday, April 18, 2014


From all the female characters in the drama, Shireen is different in the sense that she is not oppressed directly by any of the male characters, as the rest of the females are. She enjoys an independent existence and her personality is thus portrayed very differently from the others. Whereas the other women provide a serious and often somber tone to the narrative, Shireen provides some much needed comic relief through the expression of her light hearted frivolity. She is the only female character who flirts openly with any male character. Whether or not Nasir takes it seriously is unimportant. The fact is that there exists a space for her to express a different kind of femininity to the others. Of course, a very big reason for this is because she belongs to a class in which this freedom is allowed. Moreover, her professional life grants her this space as well. But even within this class, Sheherbano and Gulbahar for example, project a different ideal of femininity. Gulbahar, though she possesses an unfortunate past, is still portrayed as virtuous because she is faithful in her love for Laal Hussain Shah. She is always shown within the confines of her home waiting for her beloved to come visit her. She represents an ideal wife, but still someone who is deeply embroiled in an oppressive relationship. Sheherbano too, is the dutiful daughter, unable to exert herself in front of her father. Her subservience to her father's wishes defines who she is and all her actions are carefully constructed around her identity as Laal Hussain Shah's daughter. Shireen, because of the absence of an oppressive figure, is portrayed almost as juvenile and immature. She is the only female character who has not been "controlled" by a male and I think that the underlying message is that she does not represent the ideal woman. Especially because someone like ever-dutiful Sheherbano is presented as a comparison.

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