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Friday, April 4, 2014

Lower Class

If we look at it from the point of view of history A tale of the two cities gives a compressed account of the French Revolution.
Dickens was concerned about the social problems that existed in England specially with regards to the conditions that the poor people were facing and he had foreseen that these conditions were such that would lead to some event like the French Revolution among the masses. Dickens begins his novel by expressing this very concern of his. He makes a comparison between France and England and talks about his time as well: "the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only"
Dickens voices his opinion clearly throughout and the fact that he considers the position of this social class as ‘dangerous’ by highlighting the violence, injustice and poverty that is prevalent in these areas. A clear distinction of social classes is being made. Just like the bourgeoisies rule over the proletariat and then class consciousness occurs among the proletariat and they become aware of their status of being the oppressed class. Finally, they decide to overthrow the powerful bourgeoisie. Even though this attempt isn’t successful in achieving what was supposedly the target but it shakes the ruling class. Most importantly, it brings together people who belong from the same class. The fact that they are subject to hunger, injustice among other things doesn’t matter because standing up for their rights against those who deprive them of these basic rights can only mean access to all of them.

The reason why these suppressed people were able to stand together was because of the lack of property and inheritance in this social class. When there is presence of wealth like in the upper class there is nothing but rivalry and the need to get more land than the other person. 

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