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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Rida's Missed Blog

Dr. Thomas Bertram's perverse fatherhood used instruments like fear and control to invoke respect in Mansfield Park, which directly opposes Dr.Ahmer's baba's sincere fatherhood that rests on pillars like companionship, honesty, care and respect in Dhoop Kinarey. Sir Thomas Bertram tried to dominate decisions like his daughter (Maria's) marriage into the Rushworths because he deemed the "alliance unquestionably advantageous". This vehemently juxtaposes Dr.Ahmer's relationship with his father which was devoid of satisfying any self-interest rather both baba and Dr.Ahmer sought fulfillment by doing justice to the father-son relationship. As baba had aged, over the years Ahmer had taken up the role of the protective father and looked at the smallest of things like "aik per main kaali jurab or dosri mein neeli" and made him wear the 'jurabs'. Ahmed frolicked at baba's child -like antics may that be when baba forgot to wear his pants or when he thought it was foggy outside because his spectacles were clouded by moisture. And baba provided Ahmer with emotional support and went on saying that "tumhare aur meray dermayan kyun raaz naheen hosakta".Baba's importance in Ahmer's life is present even after baba's death unlike Sir Thomas who although was present but did not have the power to induce respect for himself in his children. However, at the end of Mansfield Park, Sir Thomas realized his failed fatherhood and tried to sabotage his relationship with his children.

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