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Friday, April 18, 2014

Generation gap and the their power dynamics

It is interesting to note how one generation across different sectors of the society works in opposition to the younger generation -- Laal Hussain Shah and his daughter Shehrbano and son Jehaniya, Kamal and his son Nasir, and Babar and his son Amjad. The older generation works to preserve the system and maintain the status quo. For example, in the case of Laal Hussain Shah, even after losing the elections, he knows he can hope to win again or at least continue with his current life and politics because he knows that the system is not going to change. On the one hand, we have his daughter, Shehrbano, who is educated in America and hopes her education can liberate her from the system: "Mein tau samajhti thi taleem ne mujhe aik aam insan bana dia hai." She takes a stand for herself, and her position and tells her father her education will be rendered useless if he does not let her be -- "Adhay sach ke liye, adhi roshni ke liye" -- she does not see the point of her education if it is not going to liberate her. Jehaniya, on the other hand, wants to change the processes of the system. He is more brutal and straight-forward and does not believe in maintaining a facade. He wants his father to be what he really is from the inside, in public too. As retarded as Jehaniya seems to me, I think his lack of political acumen makes him less of a hypocrite than the father. On the other hand, we have Nasir, who leaves his father's newspaper that works to preserve the establishment over his high principles: "Aap jaiye aur ja ke apnay akhbar ko burqa pehnaye." A revolutionary by principle, one wonders how he sustains himself after he has left his job and his parents' house. There is a constant mention of exchange of money in return for giving up his revolutionary ideas, all of which Nasir refuses. Amjad is caught up in a similar battle. It is that same grip of capitalism that forces all professed communists to bow down to capitalism, because it is the order of the day and those who work for it will make sure that the status quo is maintained through whatever means. Babar says in connection with Nasir and his bunch of friends, "Uchangay lafangay logon ko jama ker ke unko uksanay ka kam ker raha hai". The system becomes so strong that it becomes almost impossible for these younger people to even try and move out of it, or to even voice their opinions against it. In the case of all three of them, especially Shehrbano and Amjad, at least up until now in the drama, the characters act as a bridge for their elders to reach their goals.

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